Thursday, August 27, 2015

Tony Martinez : The BeatMaker

 Tony Martinez, Owner of GoodFellaMuzik LLC and Super Producer, has been producing music for about 4 years now. Tony states that the more he produces, the more fascinated he becomes with music. We all know that once the music grabs you, it's hard to get away from it. It’s a full expression he can do without second guessing which makes Tony the super producer that he is. GoodFellaMuzik LLC has produced instrumentals for Jai Swift, Maurice Jones and Solid Tha Great's “Hater Proof”. Also Former Rough Ryder and Lox member J Hood which will appear on Kilo M.O.E's "Gods and Generalz" project. GoodFellaMuzik LLC will have production coming up soon in Kilo Moe’s Gods and Generals LP... Jai Swift’s Friday Night and Monster Ep, Releasing later this year and the beginning of next. Tony Martinez and K.I.L.O. Moe also have a song out called "Out Chea Winning" that they gave us some details on in the last issue of LOCKED Magazine which you can find on our direct site at We look forward to getting more details on your progress throughout your career. 
Get more on Tony Martinez by clicking on these links....


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Kilo MOE Talks OMG Entertainment

What was it that got O.M.G Entertainment started? At the time (April 2012), I was living in Florida and in a deep depression about my injury from my years of being an athlete. A real good friend of mine who put me on to a bunch of music connects a couple of years before in Fort Myers came through and picked me up for drinks like he usually do and had a talk with me about what I was gonna do moving forward for the future.. He showed great concern about my condition and what I was doing at the time.. So in this convo a light bulb went off and I knew I wanted to get back into music.. I was somewhat concerned about my age so I wasn't necessarily interested in rapping or even being an artist. I knew a few local artists and one in particular used to come through a spot I had in the infamous pine manor neighborhood.. He was very talented so I made him a proposition that if he would put out a mixtape I'd fund it. We rode around looking for studios for him to record in. Well I didn't like the process of how studios in the area carried their business. At that point I felt there was a void to fill in the indie music market so I took it upon myself to purchase some equipment.. I lived across from a best buy so I took some paper I had and bought up Equipment.. I even hit the Craigslist... Once I started acquiring equipment I took my guest house and converted it into an office/studio and stared recording him and his team. My goal at the time was to build a label with his artists and another I met a year or so before who had already had a situation.. From that day forward OMG was created and plans were in motion. Needless to say, none of them panned out after the money was invested and marketing plans created. So in essence I started recording again and other artists started to catch wind of what I was doing because I was putting my business cards in all the music stores.
How many years has your company been around? A little over 3 years. We've been incorporated a little over 14 months now.
What are some of the main areas that O.M.G Entertaainment specializes in?
Our company specializes in digital Multimedia publishing through our publishing entity Tha Grizz Publishing©. Marketing, promotions and sales.
Where do you see you company going in the next five years? As we stand today we are on track to producing and publishing our first track with an indie major. In the 5 years to come I see us being a force in the publishing of digital Multimedia across broader platforms to such as network Television, terrestrial radio and larger stages with our videos and music. With our social media reach now being well into the millions I can actually see the company growing its partnerships into force that can actually work as efficiently as one of the majors with reach into film and television.
What are some of your thoughts on today's music economy? Well with the decline of physical record sales and the growth of the indie sector I think one has to be far more creative in creating new revenue streams and create models based on these new revenues. My whole goal is expanding digital real estate and I do believe if you do it right and think outside of the box the money is there. On the flip side today's music econonmy is full of misguided and misinformed music business. Operating from extinct marketing plans if any and bad business. It's sort of the gift and the curse of the "direct to fan" model. Alot of "salesman" just looking to cover their bottom line if any.. Over saturation of cut and paste producers feeling entitled to artists hard earned cash. That's another conversation.
What do you think it is that makes an artist successful? To me, in this era what makes an artist successful is moving units and collecting royalties. If you're doing that then your career in my eyes is a success. That is why we are here... to create economy and grow it significantly. If it doesn't make dollars (consistently) it doesn't make sense. That in my eyes is a successful artist. Converting the fan fare into revenues.
What do you look for in a good MC?
Word play!! Not just "bars" (whatever that means nowadays) but the ability to craft a story or visualization through lyrics. Next is the delivery. Making those words cut deep into the listeners pysche. I need to be able to feel where you're coming from and the rhyme from beginning to end needs to make sense and have relevance to the hook and the artist himself or herself.
What are some of the things that O.M.G. has to offer? The main item we offer is a sensible strategy to putting out content. One in which makes sense for the particular artist. We offer social media management, marketing plans,  social media set up, seo, and social media integration. We also publish to our radio partners as well and some press.
What can we expect out of O.M.G. Entertainment in 2015? Our premier artist which is myself (Kilo M.O.E) will be dropping a new single in the coming last quarter "Ouchea Winning" and also working on a single featuring former Rough Ryder and Lox member J hood. Both of which are produced by GoodFellaz Muzik new producer sensation, Tony Martinez out of Phoenix. Also, we are upgrading some of our services and offering marketing and promotion packages along with production effective next quarter.
Any advice you want to give to up and coming artists? Sure. You gotta give it time. All of it. How much time? Alot of time. Being a "dope artist" or having "bars" isn't enough to monetize your career. You have to have a keen sense of where things are going and what adjustments you need to make along the way. In addition to this you have to be a student of this game. At all times. If any of the above sounds like alot.. Or a pain in the ass, give up now. Even if you find someone to do all of this for you basically you are walking down a path of disappointment and suffering. Thank you for having me.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Drake and Meeek Mill Beef

Does anyone else think that this Drake and Meek Mill beef is getting a lot more attention then needed? I'm still waiting to hear a REAL HIP HOP diss tracks like Nas vs Jigga, Mob Deep vs Red Man, Eazy-E vs Dre,  Busy B vs Kool Mob Dee hell even when Kendrick Lamar hit em' with that Control verse. I'm just saying, This is kiddy play here. Twitter beef isn't exactly what we would like to call "Rap Beef". Drake came with it, but what's that compared to the Legends mentioned above and how they had every one on pins and needles and REALLY hyped for good music. While the world is wrapped up in everything that's going on with Meek and Drake, what ELSE is really going on? Sandra Bland being murdered and having it passed off as suicide.... You can NO LONGER enter America even WITH a green card if you are a foreigner, once you leave... Wonder why???? But I guess this Drake and Meek Mill beef is all too important to wonder what's going on in the world our kids is growing up in. Why Hip Hop is becoming a GAY culture... and our AFRICAN AMERICAN people are being made fun of. Anyway... We really hope that Meek Mill and Drake solve their problems some time soon... Nicki has to really be enjoying the hell out of this.....

Monday, July 27, 2015

Genius Da Kidd Talks New Single "BlattaHassee"

You recently released your new single entitled BlattaHassee, Can you tell us a little about how that came into play? It started off as a way to identify the Blooods in my bity as rightfully their own. I felt what better way then a song! The name was composed by me, Flamed Up Ru, Kilo Supergoon, OZP dizzy, and several other Blooods in my bity.

What was your inspiration behind the single? A city athem, what better fan base than the people you lay your head around? Its my ideology of what the bity consist of, and I made a lot of referential punchlines throughout the song to sort of cover Blattahassee (formerly Tallahassee)

How has the proccess been for you with trying to put your album together? It's been slow, I have 7 tracks already and I have tried to give each of them their time in circulation, but something about Blattahassee captured the bity's attention and it's still growing.

Do you have any personal favorite tracks  on this album? No favorites, I like all my music. When I listen to my songs it helps me measure the growth that all artist need to make it.

How soon can we expect a release date? #Hard2KillBilly doesn't have an release date. I keep my fans with something new until their input gives me a direction on which tracks to put on an actually album, that way it won't be a listen to one track, skip a bunch of track sort of ordeal.

Where can we find your single BlattaHasse? SoundCloud
Video to be released on Youtube December.

Do you have a lot of collaborations on this single? None on the actual single. But KenKenKillit made the beat. Debryne Graphics on the single cover. JKing on the engineering.

Do you think this single will change your career in any way? It already has. It's open doors to more people wanting to support. Plus I feel more on my roots with this one.

You stated that you sent it to over 100 people before it was even released and that you performed the single at major clubs. How was that for you? It was amazing, I always email tracks to get input before the final copy. And the reviews were beyond the stars. I used to have to sit and think about which tracks I wanted to perform, but from the emails and different clubs, #Blattahassee has become a request from people bity wide.

Would you like to give any final comments or shout outs? Follow me on IG at GeniusDaKidd and like my FB page Shouts out to my brother Da Beast. 2 times for my Billys. Y'all be on the look out for #Blattahassee video coming to YouTube! And thanks Locked, forever humbled. #2Times

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Bobbi Kristina Brown Dead at 22

The daughter of the late R&B icon, Whitney Houston, died in a hospice care facility near Atlanta, according to TMZ. Bobbi Kristina was originally found in a bathtub unconscious in January, before she was soon rushed to a hospital. Ever since the incident, brown has been in a coma. The Houston/Brown families have had tension between teacher other, trying to find a way to save the 22 year old. Unfortunately, they had take Brown off of life support. One medical specialist told the family that there was no recovery, according to the post.

Our condolences go out to the Brown and Houston family. It’s definitely an unfortunate ending to both Bobbi Kristina Brown and her mother, Whitney Houston.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Renagade is bringing the heat to Hip Hop!

  1. After spending almost the first decade of his adulthood incarcerated, Walter Taylor aka Renagade has returned with more skills and a deeper understanding of himself. Born Sept 4th, 1985 in Minneapolis, MN he spent most of his childhood growing up around the twin cities area. Renagade discovered his love for rapping around the age 8-9 when his uncle had brought him and his brother to valley fair. There in a recording booth, Renagade did his first rap to a beat “I got the power” by Snap. That is when he realized his talent and seen where he wanted to be later in life. A few years later he and his family relocated to Atlanta GA where he became friends with lil Zane. This is when his passion for music grew much deeper. After only residing in ATL for two years, his family moved back to Minnesota this time settling down in Duluth. Such a small place it was Duluth seemed to help his talent shine. At the age 15, Renagade started getting in the studio more and more than hosting on the local nightly radio station 91.3 kuws with Dj Jmac. It wasn’t until a horrible tragedy in July 2003 that landed Renagade behind bars. Facing felony murder armed robbery he was sentenced 10 years in prison with 6 years’ probation. He used his imprisonment to his advantage by reading materials and writing often to expand his mind. You see he had much more “free” time then most to focus on his desire for music. After ten long years and hundreds of songs he was released back into the world early July 2013. Even though he wanted to get right back on his grind he instead took some time adapt and enjoy his freedom. Jan 31st2014 he performed one of newest songs completed upon release “dey hatin” feat. Mac Streets at the twins bar. This was just the right come back he needed! When asked what inspired him to do music his response was “his life, so that he could express himself through lyrics”. After his first performance he began opening for artists like Layzie  Bone, Lil Flip, Bop Boyz and Bone Crusher. In June 2014 his hit single “I’m the Man” was released onto Uncle J ENT Welcome to the family album that went public. Renagade collaborated with The Rejects featuring in their hit song “Parker” also appearing in their video that aired on YouTube in July 2014. I asked him “what drives your ambition” He answered, “my struggle and the things I been threw in life. I just want the world to hear what I got to say and I won’t stop until my mission is complete. I will never stop writing music because I will always have something going on in life whether it’s good or bad”. So with that said stay tuned in because a minor setback is always  a major come back.

    I'm enjoying finding new talent and helping them get a little spotlight. Renagade gave me a interview and here's what he had to say: 

    How did you get your name? 
    I've always been solo my whole life and have had the renagade image since a shorty never really ran with a crowd. 

    Who influenced your style?
    Really didn't have a person I tried to sound like, I grew up listening to T.I., Tupac, Easy-E & Wu-Tang, but my uncle was the one that got me into music.
    Did you see music being your career as a child and on into adult hood?
    Yeah I been doing music since I was 9, I haven't stopped since. My mind is set on "they don't have a choice but to hear me" 
    How do you separate yourself from other artists?
    Everything I rap I have done or I have. I Don't do no jackin, I keep it real. 

    Describe your music in for words. 
    Everything they been missing.

    Are you looking to work with any other artists? 
     Yeah if it comes to that, but I would like to do a song wit T.I., me and him got stuff in common.

    How do you feel about the current state of the game? 
    I feel there's alot of gimmicks, I make sure to not to follow the route of alot of artists these days, but when you got money you can say and do anything wit your music. 

    If you could, what would you change about it?
    Keep doing what I'm doing sooner or later they'll make room. 

    What main stream artists currently have your attention? 
    T.I., Kevin Gates & Bone Thugs -N- Harmony.

    Do you see yourself doing anything other then music, entertainment wise? Movies ext.. 
    Yeah in the process of figuring out a business plan, music is my number one, but you always gotta have options with making money. 

    Anything big happening for you right now? 
    Yeah, I'm currently dropping my debut album "World Wide Stikk Up" with Uncle J Ent, I just had a commercial put out for my album releasing Jan 20th, also a promotion video dropping. I got a  lot of shows booked with major artist in the game now. I'll be dropping music videos the beginning of January also. 

    What's next for you? 
    I'm already in the process of putting beats together for my 2nd album, I was on the album Uncle J "Welcome To The Family 1" which had all kinds of major artist on it from Lil Boosie, Krayzie Bone and a lot more. I'll be dropping a single on the 2nd album that will be dropping around March. 

    Words to live by? 
    Never give up and you end up how you start off #work

    Great interview Renagade. Looking forward to working with you more. 

    You can find Renegade at: 

    Good luck Renagade, I wish you success!

Sunday, December 28, 2014


MarsTheMC (born Demaris Jamelle Hargett on April 12, 1988) is an American rapper and producer from Trenton, North Carolina. Mars began rapping at age 16 during his junior year of high school. It began as a hobby but later turned d into a passion when he graduated the following year. He began producing during the summer of 2008 when he dropped out of college. Always a tan of soul music, his sound initially was based around sample based Hip-Hop. Since then he has experimented with other elements of music, yet still bringing his heartfelt approach to the table. His past projects include one mixtape (The Semester Off Mixtape) and two EP’s (The Launch & Back To Work). Mars currently has a mixtape out entitled “From Couches 2 Condos” which symbolizes his journey to become an established artist in the game. Although many look for riches and fame, Mars has his eyes set on being the voice for the little guy. Safe to say this small kid has big city dreams.

  Check out the interview on MarsTheMc below:

How did you get your name?
My family nickname is “Maris” and as an artist I wanted to make music for other people so I dropped the ”i” and Mars seemed to have a ring to it. "TheMC" portion came much later on and is written without spaces.. all because I didn’t want a separation between who I am as a person and what I do.

How long have you been doing music?
Since 2005 officially.

Who were your musical influences?
Early Kanye West, Jay-Z, Nas, & Ludacris

Where are you originally from?
Trenton, North Carolina representing that Quarter Duece aka the 252

Describe your music in 4 words.
Simply Down To Earth

How do you separate yourself from other artists?
I'm not one to focus on what other artists are doing, even if they are my peers. No offense to them, I just find myself creating my best when it's just me that I'm focusing on. I believe that if you are trying to "out do" someone, you inevitably try to "out do" him/ her in their own lane. I prefer to stay in my lane and continue serving as the king of my own jungle.

 Do you plan to do anything other than music in the entertainment industry?
I would love to step into acting or writing for television. We all enjoy art no matter what form. My music is an art form, much like acting and television. Although I pride myself on striving to be not discern myself as Demaris and MarsTheMC, I do feel like I show a different side of me when I'm on the mic. Like most rappers and just public performers in general, performing and creating my music is a release for me. It's a healthy outlet.

If you could compare yourself to an already established artist, who would it be & why?
Phife from A Tribe Called Quest because he was always looked at as the underdog even though he was just as dope as Q-Tip if not better. I fit the underdog role too well. You don't have to have the spotlight in order to shine.

What do you think your listeners will get from your music?
A full emotional experience. Men tend to not communicate their feelings well but my music has no shame for expressing anything. For anyone that wants to know who I am, just listen to the music. You'll learn more in a 3 - 5 minute song, than a 3 -5 conver sation, probably.

What do you, yourself hope to get from your music?
I hope to obtain a solid living by doing music and nothing else. I would really love it to be my way of life someday. Passion shouldn't feel like work.

What do you plan to do if you make it big?
I plan on being a motivational speaker at some point for small communities and charities. I would also like to remain lowkey and as humble as I am now. I want people to understand money doesn’t make a person. We just need money to live in THIS society.

Any words to live by?
Be yourself regardless of how awkward it makes other people feel.

A perfect picture to complete the interview and show you who this artist really IS... Check out more on this up and coming artist by going to the following links:


Fair One Entertainment Manager:
Jessie R. Ha

LATEST PROJECT: "From Couches 2 Condos"

L.O.C.K.E.D Magazine Presents : Microwave

Mixing dual passions of rap and journalism, Fayetteville, N.C. artist Microwave provides a penchant for lyricism through his music. Growing up, Microwave had intentions of becoming a sports journalist and his passion for writing parlayed into music. While talent and passion has culminated into more than 25 projects, education and work has not been shirked. Microwave received his B.A. in Mass Communications from Fayetteville State University in May 2011 and currently works as a staff writer for The Free Press in Kinston and sportswriter for the Fayetteville Observer.
Microwave focuses more on providing imagery and storytelling, but can also deliver solid punchlines and is versatile enough to appeal to any demographic. As a member of Outer Limits Music Group, Microwave will continue to deliver his lyrical prowess with an original flair. 

View Microwave's interview here: 

How did you get your name? 
At the age of 15, Microwave was playing basketball with some friends. Jonathan H. gave the nickname of Microwave with 10 different 3 point shots in a row. So he was heating it up on the court just like Vinnie Johnson from the Detroit Pistons. Microwave also credits the meaning of his name to Jessica D. of the Fayetteville Observer that mentioned he was cool on the surface, but heated it up at the right time. The final meaning that brings it all together, Microwave can also be an acronym meaning, Man In Carolina Rollin' On With Amazingly Vicious Entries.
How long have you been doing music? 
Professionally since 2007

Who were your musical influences?
 Big L, Lupe Fiasco, Chamillionaire, Z -Ro, and Talib Kweli

Where are you originally from? 
 Fayetteville, NC

Describe your music in 4 words.
 Innovative, versatile, out there

How do you separate yourself form other artists? 
I feel like, as an artist, I have an extensive vocabulary. I choose not to be placed in a certain box.
From my appearance with a signature vest and tie, to my ability to join different crowds of hip hop through my music. I have proven to stand out and be different with a different dimension of hip hop.

Do you plan to do anything other than music in the entertainment industry?
Yes, journalism has been a love of mine longer than rapping. My 9-5 is a full time government writer with the Kinston Free Press in Kinston, NC, a part time sports writer for the Fayetteville Observer, regular traffic on my Tumblr page, and have written for Hip Hop Vibe, along with several miscellaneous publications based in North Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia.

If you can could compare yourself to an already established artist, who would it be & why?
 I don't compare myself to any established artists. I like to think my performance and music is a homage to my influences. A lot of my fans have compared me to Kanye West for delivery, and Slick Rick for my story telling ability.

What do you thing your listeners will get from your music? 
 They will enjoy the sound, although it's slightly difference from traditional hip hop, but it still a traditional hip hop vibe. I have the uncanny ability to straddle the line between mainstream an underground music.

What do you, yourself hope to get from your music? 
I hope to achieve a peace of mind. Knowing that people understand me and my vision with my music, is a therapeutic feeling. I started making music because I was the kid that felt I didn't have a voice. Music is an outlet that let me be heard, and I thank my fans and new listeners from that.

What do you plan to do if you make it big? 
 Besides a sweet tea water fountain? That's a joke. I plan on trying to become more involved in the community. In 2009, I worked as an administrative assistant for Great Oak View Community Center, it showed me how important it is to be a positive role model for the youth. It may sound contradictory, but I want to shape young minds and show them that there is more to success than drugs, entertainment, or sports. I would use my success with journalism to speak to a comfortable lifestyle without all of the glitz and glamor, but to invest in people and society.

Any words to live by?
A few quotes that help me get through the day to day life are:"Continue to flourish" and "whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right."
- Henry Ford. This quote from Henry Ford means to me, that if you think you
cannot achieve, then you cannot. You set yourself up for success just as much as you can set yourself up for failure.

You can listen to Microwave & Contact him at the links listed below: 

For Booking & Feats please contact:
-Jessie R. Ha
Talent Manager
Fair One Entertainment
(910) 261.0298

LATEST PROJECT: "The Boxcar Chronicles":

Caderra Wallace : Self Made

February 17, 1988, Self Made was born Caderra D Wallace to Richard E Allen and Patrice L Wallace, both of Shelby, MS. Self Made got started at age fifteen when he took rap to the next level and chose it as a career. He came up with his stage name "Thug Mist" when he was living a life style as a thug. The word mist came along later when he was introduced to violence. The story of a rapper overcoming many obstacles to reach success is one that has been told many times before. While Self Made respects anyone who overcomes adversity to reach their goals, he thinks that Caderra D. Wallace has a rather unique journey in the world of hip hop. As an upcoming artist Self Made plans on becoming successful, loyal, honest and committed to what he does best. Caderra D. Wallace, composer and writer with mad skills.

Check out Self Made's Interview : 

How did you get your name? 
In the beginning of my rap career I coined myself as "Thug Mist" the reason I called myself this was because I was being around "Thugs" and violence & drugs in my neighborhood. Years later the name "Self Made" was only the right name for me to call myself, being a independent Artist making moves on my on, by myself. Thus, "Self Made" "Self Paid"

How long have you been doing music? 
I have had a passion for music all my life, from playing the drums in my church to playing them in my local high school marching band. But I discovered my true love for music at the age of 15. I knew I was good at it

Where are you originally from? 
I am originally from a small town n the Delta of Mississippi called Shelby AKA "Smoke-town"

Describe  your music in 4 words.
Motivational,Real, Truth&Knowledge, Mind Blowing.

How do you separate yourself form other artists? 
What distinguish myself from other Artist is my unique flow & versatility! My music can be listen to by all generations, young, old, black, white! I can also fall in different music genre along side rap, like RnB Pop & Blues! 

If you could compare yourself to an already established artist, who would it be and why? 
If I could compare myself to any already established artist they would be the following,(JayZ) (P.diddy) (IceCube) & (50cents), reasoning because they all ventured outside of Rap & became successful Business Men

Do you plan to do anything other than music in the Entertainment Biz? 
Other than Rap, I plan on producing other Artists,Acting, & also lunching my own clothing label and modeling

What do you thing your listeners will get from your music? 
I want people to first understand me, Like not only move to the beat but understand the lyrics and message within it. I want my listeners to know that whatever it may be, I've done it, I've been through it & I'm a living witness you can overcome any adversity. 

What do you, yourself hope to get from your music? 
I get passion from my music & drive to continue to do what I know best, this music

What do you plan to do if you make it big? 
I plan on building my community with my success. Giving back to the youth, inspiring them! I also want to create different businesses for more job opportunities.

Words to live by? 
Anything is possible if u face your fears & walk out on faith! 

Listen to Self Made Here: 

I can see why Self Made is "Self Made" everything is top of the notch quality, very Proffessional, looks like he has his mind set and is ready to take the world by storm. I was surprised when I heard his music since most indie artists aren't showing real talent now-a-days but with the very 1st song & first VERSE I heard "Self Made" CRUSHED any doubts that I had. And that's right, all indie artist should be able to speak with their music. 
All the best to another hot artist on the Rise! "Self Made" 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

LOCKED Magazine presents "MoonMen"

Jim Smiley and Tha M.C. are two of the most respected underground Hip-Hop artists/songwriters and performers in the Midwest. After years of satisfying fans with solo efforts they have decided to join together to form 'The Moonmen'. 

The Moonmen's unique approach to music combines high energy sounds with, complex honest lyricism. Showing fans of the underground that the masses can still be reached, without a compromise in artist talent and integrity. 

The Moonmen have had the privilege to grace many stages all over the country. As well as the opportunity to open for big name acts such as: Gorilla Zoe, Crucial Conflict, Bushwick Bill of Scarface's TheGeto Boys, Afroman, Nappy Roots, Troy Ave, and Shady Records artists Crooked I and Joe Budden

With their new singles ('T.G.I.F.' 'Anti-Gravity' ft. Cainan Barnett and 'In The Air') getting spins in College Radio stations around the country, as well as their new Music Video 'Appetite For Destruction' making its rounds on the net, the Moonmen are the hot new artists to look for.

You can follow "MoonMen" here: 
instagram @themoonmenmusic
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Young Skeezo : Inspiration To Everyone

Young Skeezo was born on November 28th 1990 in San Jose California, He then moved to the Northwest when he  was around the age of three. His parents separated and him and his brother went with his mom to a couple of different shelters. He was in fifth grade at the time and at one of these shelters him and his brother had gotten into trouble so his mom got stressed and left them in Longview, WA so he was going trough a lot at the time. (Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my mom or hold anything against her, she is a amazing lady, I love her and always will) says Young Skeezo. For him and his brother it was their first day in the town & they didn't even know where a store was or where to go so they sat there for about four hours. Then the police came along with CPS and they separated Young Skeezo and his brother and placed the two into different Foster homes. Young Skeezo moved around a bunch, it seemed like ever other week probably at least 20 different homes. That continued for about four years. To speed things up Young Skeezo started really getting serious about his music. When he was 16 living in Portland, (which He moved to at 14) he quickly fell in love with his city and the art of music (which he started doing music in 8th grade). By the time he was 19 he had been to the west coast Hip Hop Awards. He has opened up for artist such Mack 10, Glasses   Malone, Rapping4Tay, Lazie Bone and Bizzy Bone & The Outlaws (2pacs old rap group) Young Skeezo had 2 songs  done with Rapping4Tay (one yet to be finished) also his manger at the time, "Pitbull" had ties with Black Wall Street. Young Skeezo was able to get some beats from Ducenberb (The Game's best friend) Also track with Tre Little  (Royce day 5'9 old rap partner of almost a decade) well just as he thought things were going to good with his music he ended up homeless. So where did he go?? Of course downtown . And that's where his life went downhill. He started smoking dope. Then selling it to support his habit and realized he was actually good at it. So he spent all his time hustling. Young Skeezo became addicted to the lifestyle as well. It wasn't to long before he started shooting dope that's when he lost his mind. He was in and out of jail so much. He was so crazy he couldn't get his mind off the drug and the power he felt by dealing it. The first thing Young Skeezo would do when he left jail was go find a shot and re up. He's not gonna glorify the selling cause that's not the message he wants, instead he's gonna concentrate on how he was lost. Young Skeezo was 120 lbs & running around arms all bruised from hitting. Face picked. Clothes dirty, hands dirty, sleeping in a doorway and when I say sleeping I don't mean he planned to sleep he just simply stopped moving and fell out. "I remember a couple times the police wakening me out cause I'm laying sprawled out on the sidewalk or the street and they said they received a call that someone was dead and their body was jut laying in the streets. I wasn't dead physically. I just went into a sycosis and walked till my body gave out." Says Youg Skeezo. He would wake up in such a fog. Not remembering how he got there. It was nuts. He would get all paranoid & not trust anyone. Young Skeezo would walk and walk till he passed out. Sometimes he would wake up still walking. He would sleep walk trough downtown. Literately doing laps. He was so stuck on this drugs he didn't care to about his music or care to contact his family unless he was in jail. When he was in his active addiction he would of been happy living that life for ever. Eating at homeless feeds and passing out under bridges. That all changed on Oct 24 when the sheriffs pulled him over coming out of his apartment and busted him with multiple bags. He was screwed, if convicted this was his second delivery which meant Prison. In jail Young Skeezo had lost his apartment,bbut recovered his life. His girlfriend Sara stuck by his side, luckily the cops were a little on the shady side and did everything that day wrong. So he beat the that he looks back at it all, Young Skeezo feels he is  blessed for that day and the events that went down. Now a days He is sober and have been since 9/29/2013 and he plans on staying that way. His life has drastically improved so now he wants to pass the message of hope and his experience through his music by letting people know there is a way out. He's the underdog, He is the one society didn't accept because of his actions. Now Young Skeezo lives to give back to his community that he have taken so much away from. And he states that he "wont rest till he make a change in the streets he ran and help the people that are in the situation he was."

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