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Monday, July 27, 2015

Genius Da Kidd Talks New Single "BlattaHassee"

You recently released your new single entitled BlattaHassee, Can you tell us a little about how that came into play? It started off as a way to identify the Blooods in my bity as rightfully their own. I felt what better way then a song! The name was composed by me, Flamed Up Ru, Kilo Supergoon, OZP dizzy, and several other Blooods in my bity.

What was your inspiration behind the single? A city athem, what better fan base than the people you lay your head around? Its my ideology of what the bity consist of, and I made a lot of referential punchlines throughout the song to sort of cover Blattahassee (formerly Tallahassee)

How has the proccess been for you with trying to put your album together? It's been slow, I have 7 tracks already and I have tried to give each of them their time in circulation, but something about Blattahassee captured the bity's attention and it's still growing.

Do you have any personal favorite tracks  on this album? No favorites, I like all my music. When I listen to my songs it helps me measure the growth that all artist need to make it.

How soon can we expect a release date? #Hard2KillBilly doesn't have an release date. I keep my fans with something new until their input gives me a direction on which tracks to put on an actually album, that way it won't be a listen to one track, skip a bunch of track sort of ordeal.

Where can we find your single BlattaHasse? SoundCloud
Video to be released on Youtube December.

Do you have a lot of collaborations on this single? None on the actual single. But KenKenKillit made the beat. Debryne Graphics on the single cover. JKing on the engineering.

Do you think this single will change your career in any way? It already has. It's open doors to more people wanting to support. Plus I feel more on my roots with this one.

You stated that you sent it to over 100 people before it was even released and that you performed the single at major clubs. How was that for you? It was amazing, I always email tracks to get input before the final copy. And the reviews were beyond the stars. I used to have to sit and think about which tracks I wanted to perform, but from the emails and different clubs, #Blattahassee has become a request from people bity wide.

Would you like to give any final comments or shout outs? Follow me on IG at GeniusDaKidd and like my FB page Shouts out to my brother Da Beast. 2 times for my Billys. Y'all be on the look out for #Blattahassee video coming to YouTube! And thanks Locked, forever humbled. #2Times

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